Dr. Palacios, the Principal Investigator of MetA-Bone, was awarded Top Scholar 2020 at FIU
Dr. Palacios, the Principal Investigator of MetA-Bone, was awarded Top Scholar 2020 at FIU. Read more: https://news.fiu.edu/2020/introducing-the-2020-top-scholars
Dr. Connie Weaver Publishes an Article on Guidelines Needed for the Conduct of Human Nutrition Randomized Controlled Trial
To read more about Dr. Connie M Weaver’s article, visit: https://academic.oup.com/advances/article/12/1/1/5983117
Dr. Palacios, the Principal Investigator of MetA-Bone Obtained Thousands of Views in FIU News article
Dr. Palacios wrote an article on Covid and Nutrition with the greatest views ever in FIU news: https://stempel.fiu.edu/article-about-stempel-professors-covid-related-nutrition-findings-earns-125000-views-from-fiu-community-and-beyond/
MetA-Bone‘s co-investigator Dr. Huffman was Recognized with the ASN’s Highest Honor.
Dr. Huffman was recognized as a Fellow of the Society (American Society of Nutrition, ASN), which is the highest honor ASN bestows. Read more: https://meeting.nutrition.org/2020awards/#fellows
MetA-Bone Research Assistant and PhD student wins Robert Stempel Research Award
With the research paper “Identifying Predictors of Parents’ and Children’s Participation and Barriers in Randomized Clinical Trials” Priscilla Clayton, phD student won the Robert Stempel Research Award. To read more about the research: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7257963/
NIH awards Stempel College $2.8M to Study Effects of Soluble Corn Fiber on Bone Mass
The NIH has awarded Cristina Palacios, a $2.8 million grant to study the effects of soluble corn fiber as a dietary supplement to optimize bone mass in adolescents.https://news.fiu.edu/2019/the-national-institutes-of-health-awards-fiu-stempel-college-2.8-million-to-study-the-effects-of-soluble-corn-fiber-on-bone-mass
Dr. Palacios, the Principal Investigator of MetA-Bone, is part of the Expert Group to Update the World Health Organization
Dr. Palacios is part of the expert group to update the FAO/WHO nutrient requirements for children aged 0–36 months, specifically for calcium, vitamin D and zinc: https://www.who.int/groups/fao-who-nutrient-requirements-for-children-aged-0-36-months/
Dr. Palacios is Chair Elect of the American Society for Nutrition
The American Society for Nutrition names Dr. Cristina Palacios MS, PhD chair elect for Nutrition Education and Behavioral Science Research Interest Section: https://stempel.fiu.edu/american-society-for-nutrition-names-cristina-palacios-chair-elect-of-nutrition-education-and-behavioral-science-research-interest-section/
The World Health Organization Funds Two Research Papers for Dr.Palacios
Palacios recently published two WHO-funded research papers that survey global intake of calcium and address the potential to incorporate it into foods consumed in countries with a high prevalence of nutritional rickets. https://news.fiu.edu/2020/got-milk-for-countries-that-do-not,-calcium-fortified-food-might-be-the-way-to-curb-rickets
Nutrition and COVID 19
Dr Palacios, MetA-Bone Trial’s principal investigator writes this article about the importance of proper nutrition during the pandemic. Read more: https://news.fiu.edu/2020/three-vitamins,-minerals-to-boost-your-immune-system-to-fight-covid-19